mandag den 23. februar 2009

An offshore company formation isn’t actually as difficult as it sounds as long as you know what you are doing.

Your company can be a proprietorship, partnership, or a corporation and offshore is simply an expression that means outside of your own jurisdiction, thus not in the country where you reside or even where the bulk of your business is carried out.

An offshore company formation is mainly required to obtain maximum tax or trade benefits and evade legislation which can minimize the business' profitability and be financially depressing for its economic situation.

Some of the benefits for offshore company formation are outlined here.

There is generally a lower taxation tariff to pay in offshore destinations. This is appealing to many organizations as the less tax they pay means the more money they can save thus resulting in an increased profitability for the company. The downside to this though is that you will miss out on any social services a well-organized country generally provides to its tax payers, such as free health care and retirement benefits.

Offshore companies are often governed by much simpler rules and laws concerning their business ventures in comparison to onshore laws in other countries. Onshore companies have to deal with various reporting procedures and follow strict guidelines and rules which can be time wasting and expensive in man- power and many of these are avoided with offshore companies. Offshore businesses can operate more efficiently and smoothly than if they set up their company in their own country and so offshore companies are greatly favored by Internet companies and financial services companies.

Offshore jurisdictions generally require less tax for corporations which can come as a great relief to many large corporations as they are often taxed a lot. Governments are always looking for ways to increase the money in their own coffers and heavily taxing large corporations is seen as a reliable method of ensuring they receive enough money.

Companies can have a good profit before tax is deducted but then once they have paid the tax levied by the government their profits can drastically be reduced, due to these high tax rates, corporations employ tax accountants and lawyers who are experienced and specialized in helping them to reduce their tax bill and locate a jurisdiction whereby their costs can be minimized.

Some offshore jurisdictions are more appealing to corporations for offshore company formation as they have no tax at all, these are called tax havens. Other countries such as Cyprus offer double tax treaties with many countries and have only a small amount of tax to pay.

Locally registered companies generally have to follow strict laws regarding reporting requirements especially if they are a public limited company, this is done to help protect the shareholders against any possible attempt at fraud and also to stop any scams or deception being carried out. If these corporations don’t follow the reporting requirements then they have to pay a large fine. Offshore company formation is popular as there are no reporting requirements to follow or be aware of and so operating the business becomes much simpler and easier.

Another advantage which makes offshore company formation attractive is that it can offer much more privacy than onshore registration. There is no requirement to publish financial statements and they can just go about their business and their competitors are not aware of the state of their business, how much profits they are making or their strategies and this can lessen the level of competition.

The choice to of paying less tax or even no tax at all is the main reason why most companies opt for offshore company formation. In general anyone in business who invests offshore by opening a bank account or by setting up a company receives various tax reduction benefits. By setting up your base in a low or no tax jurisdiction, can save you significantly more money. Thousands of companies decide to open a Cyprus company and set up an International Business Company because of the tax advantages the island offers. Cyprus is not a tax haven, you are still eligible to pay tax if your business is registered there.

However the level of tax is very low in comparison to most other countries and the tax incentives offered by the government make a Cyprus company formation one of the most favorable locations in the world for IBS’s.

For more information contact CCLOGIC.COM they have specialized in Offshore Company Formation.

Also consider to visit our Offshore Merchant Services Discussion Forum for useful information on setting up, Offshore companies, Offshore Bank Accounts and Offshore Merchant Accounts

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